If you diligently follow the recommendations outlined in this article, you will be amazed at the pace at which your body increases muscle size and strength. If you have been at a plateau and thought adding muscle was no longer possible, then rejoice in the knowledge that you have an arsenal of weapons at your disposal that can allow you to naturally maximize your muscle building physiology. More...
By Registered Dietitian
on October 09, 2008
Optimal athletic performance requires food and nutrient intake that is tailored to each athlete’s sport, training schedule and individual needs. The basics of performance nutrition are discussed here to help maximize your physical potential and reach your performance goals. More...
By dotFIT experts
on October 10, 2008
The athlete’s goal is to have their stomachs relatively empty while energy stores are full at the start of training or competition. Following a specific eating pattern can maximize the storage and production of energy. By properly loading your energy systems (phosphocreatine and glycogen) that are rapidly depleted during exercise, you can delay fatigue and optimize performance during activity. More...

At what age does a person quit gaining muscle mass?

At what age does a person quit gaining muscle mass?

Answer: Whether anyone gains muscle depends upon several factors, including total caloric intake (you must have a surplus of nutrients to build muscle), type and amount of activity/exercise and appropriate rest. Muscle gain also depends on experience, genetics, and gender. A novice at any age can acquire muscle tissue. In fact, there are studies showing that men in their 90s can still add lean body mass. However, as a person ages, the anabolic (building) hormonal environment decreases, making muscle gain slower and more challenging. For those who have trained for many years and have already added a significant amount of muscle, progress is usually slower than for the novice. For anyone, regardless of age, the rate of LBM gain slows as one approaches their genetic limitation. 

More info
If your primary goal is gaining muscle and this is occurring slowly, then we suggest you cut back the cardio to 2-3 times per week for 30 minutes each session.

If you are not gaining approximately one half to one pound every two weeks, you must consider the following information:

  • Are you eating everything in your recommended food plan? (Get a free sample menu by clicking here and scrolling down. It just takes a few minutes.)
  • Are you performing all of the recommended exercises for your ability level?
  • Are you performing each exercise correctly and manipulating the variables?
  • Are you taking proper rest between workouts (i.e., not over training)?
  • Are you making the most of supplementation, especially using a pre- and post-workout formula? Click here for information on maximizing the hormonal environment for muscle growth
  • Lastly, those wishing to gain LBM cannot miss meals or skimp on nutrients. Therefore, a meal replacement or substitute as well as a multivitamin and mineral formula may serve you well.

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